Saturday, May 1, 2010

Flat Out Chickster!

I saw on a few blogs that 'spatchcocking' (An old British term, spatchcocked, refers to the removal of the backbone of a bird so that it can be flattened prior to grilling or roasting, according to the turkey farmers of Canada website) a chicken flat would cook it faster and keep it juicy. I like that idea since I am the white meat fan and nothing could be worse than eating a rubber chicken. So I flattened it! Actually, cut through and took out the back bone, seasoned it all up with olive oil (Greek Olive Oil), my Greek seasoning spices which I loaded with mint, oregano, dried lemon zest, sea salt and cracked pepper, a little garlic under the skin.

Smelled terrific in about 40 minutes in a 375 oven. On a separate roasting pan I drizzled olive oil, sea salt, cracked pepper and thyme over my asparagus spears, Yukon gold potatoes, yam and cauliflower. 
                                                                                                                                                                              Easy oven cooking although my heart was yearning for barbq, the weather was not cooperating.

In spite of the weather, there is always yard work and I was anxious to see what might be showing in my raised garden beds. The peas were up! So dependable every year. Little bits of onions, turnip, squash, beans but nothing to get excited about. Still a little early when temperatures are dropping to low 40's overnight. Sigh..

And my dh has a confession (that's my word since he has no idea I'm writing this!! haha). No matter what divine dessert I may have made, how I labored over some recipe or baked a 7 layer cake, his meal ends with a honking bowl of ice cream. Not just any ice cream but his flavor of the past year...drum roll...Reese by Breyers (Ice Cream and more). Oh yes, every night, no exceptions. Kinda cute.

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